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Statutory Information for Ofsted
01491 671445
- If you would like a tour of the school please email or call the office
- All information on the annual application process for primary schools is available here:
Basildon Bears Nursery
Our vision at all times is to provide an enriched educational experience for all, irrespective of age.
- We provide free 15 and 30-hour places with eligible funding.
- And additional paid sessions and wraparound care from 7.45am – 6pm from ages 2+ every day.
Visit our Basilson Bears nursery page
We are aware that parents face many challenges supporting their children in developing safe behaviours. As part of our commitment to establishing a strong and mutually supportive relationship with families, we will add links to this page to recommended sites where parents can get information and support.
Safeguarding Lead:
Mrs Parish or via school office
Deputy Designated Leads:
Miss S Dhillon via school office
Miss A Hutchinson via school office
Chair of Governors:
Mr A Tow or via school office
Financial Transparency
As part of the financial transparency regulations, the DfE have included two reporting requirements for maintained schools.
Individuals earning over £100,000
As a maintained school, we are required to publish financial information, in accordance with the latest Government guidance, on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earnings over £100,000 in £10k bandings
There are no individuals earning over £100,000 employed by Basildon C.E. Primary School.
Additionally, we are required to publish a link to the schools financial benchmarking website, where the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) statement of income, expenditure and balances is published.
British Values
Our school recognises our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain and is committed to ensuring that the fundamental British values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of our school.
We value the diverse backgrounds of all pupils, staff and families and celebrate these through a wide range of lessons and events, teaching tolerance and respect for each other, the differences in our community and the wider world.
Church School Life
Our school recognises our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain and is committed to ensuring that the fundamental British values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of our school.
We value the diverse backgrounds of all pupils, staff and families and celebrate these through a wide range of lessons and events, teaching tolerance and respect for each other, the differences in our community and the wider world.
How we compare
This link will take you to the current Department of education performance page for our school:
Whilst we are happy to encourage parents to use the Ofsted “Parentview” questionnaire, we are even happier to encourage parents to come into school and talk with us.
View our most recent End of Key Stage data here
Pupil Premium Action Plan & Impact Monitoring
To learn more about our PPG Action and methods of monitoring the impact of PPG funding, please click the appropriate button below.
1 BPS Pupil Premium strategy statement 2024-2025
2 BPS Pupil Premium statement 2022-2023
3 BPS Pupil Premium statement 2021-2021 Review
4 BPS Pupil Premium statement 2021-2022
Parent Council
What is Parent Council?
The Parent Council is a body of parents who are keen to support and develop the wider community voice, led by the Head of School, Mrs Parish.
If you are a parent and have any feedback you would like to give to Parent Council you can complete our feedback form or email us at
Any comments submitted by the form or email will be discussed at the next meeting.
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