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Attendance & Absence

​Daily attendance

The door is open between 8.40am and 8.50am for children to come into school. If a child arrives after this, but before 9am, they are recorded as a 'late' in the registers; if they arrive after 9am, it is recorded as an unauthorised absence for the morning session. Parents must bring their children into the office if they arrive after 8.50am. There will be a sign in sheet for parents to sign their child into school if they arrive after this time. This will ensure they are registered as being on site. In addition, we hope this will help us to monitor lateness, and work with specific families where necessary.


Illness and medical appointments

If your child is unwell please email by 9.00am on the day of absence. 


Medical appointments should ideally be made outside of school hours but if this is not possible you can also use this email address to let us know if your child will be absent from school for such an appointment.


It is important that you advise the school of the reason for your child's absence; this enables our monitoring of any potential illnesses that may impact others. 


The school follows Public Health England advice of leaving 48 hours after the last episode of sickness and/or diarrhoea before returning to school.


Requesting a 'Leave of Absence'

​Please use this form if you wish to take your child out of school term time. You can also collect a paper copy from the school office if you need. This form should be submitted one month before the event. 


Basildon CE Primary School follows government advice when deciding whether to authorise any absence during term time and may only grant it when there are exceptional circumstances.


Any absence taken where a request has been refused by the Head of School will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. If there are ten or more sessions (five whole days) of unauthorised absence in a ten-week period we have to pass this information onto West Berkshire Council and this may result in a Fixed Penalty Fine and legal action through a Magistrate’s court. Further information is available on the penalty notice leaflet on the West Berkshire Council website or from the Education Welfare Service.


First Aid and Medication Guidance​

Information for parents on administration of medicines and first aid in school Read More

Administration of medication request form Read More

Guidance on infection control in school Read More

Cold weather information Read More



Basildon CE Primary School,
School Lane,
Upper Basildon,




01491 671 445​


What3words: lawfully.firmer.broccoli


Term Dates

Job Vacancies


​Should you require a printed copy of any policy or information on our website, please contact our office team who will be happy to help you. Paper copies are provided free of charge. 





We are proud to be part of The Downland Federation alongside The Downs School & Sixth Form, Compton Primary School & Beedon Primary School.


Privacy Policy       © 2025 Basildon Primary School & The Downland Federation.

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