The Downland Federation &
Governing Body

'Learning together; learning for life: a seamless education from 2-18'.
At Basildon Church of England Primary School, governors, staff, pupils and families work as a team in a caring environment where excellent teaching, a rich curriculum, and the development of children as confident, articulate, happy, healthy children is at the heart of everything we do.
Our mission at Basildon is to prepare children for God’s world. Our values are Excellence, Respect and Resilience, based on Philippians 4.13: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’
Basildon Primary school has a long and proud history of serving the community of Basildon. ​
We strive for academic excellence while fostering a nurturing, supportive Christian culture to ensure every child thrives and achieves their full potential. Whilst working hard to allow all children to achieve their academic potential, we know that real happiness and success cannot be found without well-developed social skills and good emotional health. We also believe that our Christian foundation gives us a structure within which to develop our spiritual awareness. This is reflected in our strong relationship with the local parish church of St Stephen.
As Governors, we are involved in many activities in school. In accordance with the Government’s requirements for all Governing Bodies, the three strategic functions of Basildon’s Governing Board are:-
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of the staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
This includes work on creating and ensuring agreement of policies, staff appointments buildings and grounds including health and safety. However, uppermost in our minds are the safeguarding, welfare and education of the pupils.
Basildon is part of The Downland Federation family of schools along with Compton and Beedon C of E Primary Schools and The Downs School. The Federation have one Governing Board, our vision is 'Learning together; learning for life: a seamless education from 2-18'.
The six key features of effective governance are:
Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy.
Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance.
People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity.
Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements.
Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance.
The Governing Board of the Federation have worked hard to recruit governors that have both professional skills and good local knowledge to meet these aims. Please see related pages for more information about the membership and activities of the Governing Board
Chair of Governors
Mr Andy Tow