At Basildon CE Primary School, we are committed to developing confident and fluent readers. We want all our children to develop into avid readers who enjoy a wide range of authors and genres.
To enable our pupils to achieve this, we teach the 7 skills of effective reading:
Clarifying (word level)
Clarifying (text level)
Word choice
Disadvantaged children and those with SEND are given full access to the curriculum. Teachers use a range of strategies to enable all children to become successful readers including:
LSA led interventions (small group, and one to one)
Texts available in different format (Large print/Online/Dyslexia friendly)
Guided group work with teacher/LSA
Early reading:
We recognise that it is essential to develop a culture of reading at an early age. Our children begin being taught to read from the day they join the school. This is mainly done through high quality whole class phonics sessions. Children are introduced to reading books as soon as they join the school this may begin with wordless books, children are then moved onto books containing words with familiar phonemes as soon as they are ready. As a school we use the Oxford Reading tree scheme to support reading.
What reading looks like in lessons:
Daily taught guided reading session
A combination of whole class and small group guided reading lessons
Lessons based around teaching all 7 skills of reading
A wide range of high quality texts used
English long term units based on high quality text spine
A wide range of genres and authors taught
What reading at Basildon looks like outside of lessons:
Library visits
Author visits and workshops
1:1 reading session with volunteers
Oracy homework presenting on books children have read
Teacher-led interventions (to provide extra support for that day’s reading teaching if appropriate)
LSA-led interventions (10-minute, 1-2-1 afternoon sessions)
Whole school book days
Regular staff training
“Class books” - teacher regularly reads to the class
Formative assessment
Verbal feedback – the vast majority of feedback is in conversation with the pupil, allowing misconceptions to be spotted and effectively addressed at an early stage.
Written responses either in whole class teaching or follow up sessions.
Summative assessment
Year groups 1, 3, 4 and 5 use NFER tests every term to help inform teacher assessment.
Year groups 2 and 6 use SATs papers every term to help inform teacher assessment.