At Basildon CE Primary School, we believe in developing children holistically so that they flourish personally as well as academically. We want our pupils to be well rounded confident members of society who are kind, empathetic and giving.
Through our lessons we cover a wide range of skills and areas of knowledge that are appropriate to the age and cohort.
Our PSHE curriculum is organised into three core themes:
Health and wellbeing
Living in the wider world
Disadvantaged children and those with SEND are given full access to the PSHE curriculum. Teachers use a range of strategies to enable all children to become confident including:
Pre teaching vocabulary
Clear communication with parents (e.g. support with vocabulary)
Dual coding used in lessons to support understanding of key concepts/vocabulary
Metacognitive approaches used in lessons
What PSHE at Basildon looks like in lessons:
Whole class, interactive sessions
One timetabled session per week, with additional short sessions as required
Opportunities for children to develop oracy skills
PSHE association planning tools to support coverage of the three core themes
Teaching children about relationships/health, following the DfE’s RSE guidance
Sex Education lessons for Year 5 and 6
Building Learning Power and metacognition skills taught through PSHE and other subjects
Teaching children how to be safe, including when online
What PSHE at Basildon looks like outside lessons:
Individual additional support for children available from our school ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant)
Additional support for children available from our Wellbeing Counsellor
Regular mindfulness sessions in class
Optional mindfulness club before school once a week
Annual PSED week, focusing on developing a wide range of personal, social and emotional skills
Therapeutic thinking behaviour approach applied across school as main thread of behaviour policy
5 Ways to Wellbeing incorporated across school day
Children are confident in seeking adult support or advice and know who to go to for help
Consistent use of language terms linked with anti-bullying used across school (rude, mean and bullying)
Regular staff training
What PSHE at Basildon looks like in lessons:
Whole class, interactive sessions
One timetabled session per week, with additional short sessions as required
Opportunities for children to develop oracy skills
PSHE association planning tools to support coverage of the three core themes
Teaching children about relationships/health, following the DfE’s RSE guidance
Sex Education lessons for Year 5 and 6
Building Learning Power and metacognition skills taught through PSHE and other subjects
Teaching children how to be safe, including when online
What PSHE at Basildon looks like outside lessons:
Individual additional support for children available from our school ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant)
Additional support for children available from our Wellbeing Counsellor
Regular mindfulness sessions in class
Optional mindfulness club before school once a week
Annual PSED week, focusing on developing a wide range of personal, social and emotional skills
Therapeutic thinking behaviour approach applied across school as main thread of behaviour policy
5 Ways to Wellbeing incorporated across school day
Children are confident in seeking adult support or advice and know who to go to for help
Consistent use of language terms linked with anti-bullying used across school (rude, mean and bullying)
Regular staff training