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The school’s curriculum driver of diversity underpins the entire curriculum. Teachers actively seek opportunities to promote and celebrate diversity across the curriculum where ever appropriate.


At Basildon C.E. Primary, the aim of Oracy is to help pupils become effective and confident communicators which include speaking and listening. We are working on providing a high-quality Oracy education, where children learn through talk and to talk. We aim on providing Oracy opportunities throughout the curriculum to help pupils increase in confidence, articulacy and to help the children ‘find their voice’. Pupils will explore Oracy through exploratory and presentational talk and staff will be able to use the Oracy Framework to track and support progress.


Our classrooms will be rich in talk, from talk partner work to class discussions and presentations. Staff are aware how talk aids teaching, analysis and higher order metacognition. Oracy is viewed as a tool to aid learning in all subjects and will be noticed and celebrated throughout the school. In EYFS, Oracy skills are taught and assessed via the area of development strand of communication and language, this includes working on listening and attention, understanding and speaking.


We aim on building on and progressing specific Oracy skills throughout each year at Basildon, allowing our students to leave our school as confident communicators.


The ability to speak eloquently, articulate ideas and thoughts, influence through talking, collaborate with peers, and have the confidence to express your views, are fundamental skills that support success in both learning and life in general.” -Voice 21.


What Oracy looks like at Basildon:


  • All children engaged in their learning

  • Planned in regular and purposeful opportunities for talking and listening

  • Children given opportunities throughout every lesson to talk through ideas with others

  • Key vocabulary explicitly taught through a range of activities

  • Sentence stems displayed for discussions/debates

  • Discussion guidelines displayed

  • Reference to the Oracy Framework during specific Oracy tasks

  • Exploratory talk in partners, small groups and as a class

  • Presentational talk in front of a varied audience

  • Staff questioning to prompt discussion

  • Children provide feedback to one another during Oracy tasks

  • Learning will build on previous knowledge via retrieval practice


We envisage that our children will become confident and effective communicators and will be able to use these skills in all areas of the curriculum and throughout their lives. We hope this will support children’s ability to make a positive contribution to their communities and the wider world.


Formative Assessment


  • Verbal Feedback – the vast majority of feedback is in conversation with the pupil


Summative Assessment


  • 1 Oracy based task marked against the Oracy Framework termly using the Pupil Oracy Tracker


Basildon CE Primary School,
School Lane,
Upper Basildon,




01491 671 445​


What3words: lawfully.firmer.broccoli


Term Dates

Job Vacancies


​Should you require a printed copy of any policy or information on our website, please contact our office team who will be happy to help you. Paper copies are provided free of charge. 





We are proud to be part of The Downland Federation alongside The Downs School & Sixth Form, Compton Primary School & Beedon Primary School.


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