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Curriculum Map




At Basildon CE Primary School, we believe DT should provide children with a real life context for learning. Every child should have opportunities to design, make and evaluate both their own work and the work of others. This is an integral part of learning which supports problem solving, imagination and creativity. Our Design and Technology curriculum builds on previous learning and supports deeper thinking whilst facilitating risk taking and innovation.


The staff at Basildon value the importance of providing children with a variety of real-world problems to solve which are not only relevant within their own society, but also other social contexts. Throughout a child’s time at Basildon, they will have the opportunity to immerse themselves within Design and Technology, including the use of I.C.T. Through our DT curriculum, children should be inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects to enable them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products with a real life purpose.


What Design and Technology at Basildon looks like in lessons:

  • Termly blocked out lessons

  • All children engaged in their learning

  • All children experience a variety of formal elements of design technology; lessons follow a design, make and evaluate structure

  • Access to a variety of different mediums and materials

  • Work recorded in personal sketch books

  • Individual and collaborative projects

  • Regular opportunities for self and peer evaluation

  • Children introduced to a range of designs and products

  • Opportunity to evaluate their own work and the work of others - Links to the real world

  • Evidence of technical knowledge and use of subject specific vocabulary

  • Curriculum and teaching builds on prior learning and supports deeper thinking whilst facilitating risk taking and innovation

  • Encouraged to consider ways to improve already existing products/ designs.

  • Additional or adapted resources to support SEN


What Design and Technology at Basildon looks like outside lessons:

  • Work displayed in classrooms when possible

  • Work from home celebrated and shared in school

  • Visits/workshops from parents and members of local community

  • STEAM week focus


SEND/ disadvantaged children

  • Modify lesson plans to remove barriers so all pupils meet the same objectives.

  • Provide children with a range of opportunities to show their understanding.

  • Dual coding of key vocabulary


Formative Assessment


  • Verbal feedback- the majority of feedback is in conversation with the pupil at the time of learning.

  • Self and peer evaluation.


Basildon CE Primary School,
School Lane,
Upper Basildon,




01491 671 445​


What3words: lawfully.firmer.broccoli


Term Dates

Job Vacancies


​Should you require a printed copy of any policy or information on our website, please contact our office team who will be happy to help you. Paper copies are provided free of charge. 





We are proud to be part of The Downland Federation alongside The Downs School & Sixth Form, Compton Primary School & Beedon Primary School.


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