Cultural capital and enrichment help children achieve goals, become successful and give children the desire to aspire and achieve social mobility whatever their starting point. At Basildon C.E. Primary School, children benefit from a broad curriculum that builds on what they understand and know already. We believe that exposure, not only to culture but also to situations in which the children might not have previous experiences of, is of paramount importance to their ongoing successes.
Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.
‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’
As Basildon, we are passionate about providing our children with experiences that go above and beyond the National curriculum. We plan activities and experiences to allow our children to develop their passions and individual talents across a range of areas.