At Basildon Primary School, we believe art to be an integral part of a well-rounded education. Art inspires children of all ages to embrace experimentation, creativity, inventiveness, imagination and freedom of expression. The staff at Basildon believe that art enables children to communicate what they say, think and feel. Art contributes to children’s personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. It enables pupils to develop a natural sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. At Basildon, the Art curriculum covers the following key areas:
Developing and evaluating ideas
Mastering different techniques
Taking inspiration from the greats
Children are given opportunities to develop proficiency in drawing, painting, understanding colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and sculpture, with the overall aim of developing a rigorous understanding, critical awareness and inspiration of art and design. The art curriculum will develop children’s critical abilities and understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritages through studying a diverse range of male and female artists and designers throughout history.
What Art at Basildon looks like in lessons
Regular timetabled lessons
All children engaged in their learning
Access to a variety of different mediums and materials
Work recorded in personal sketch books (moved up through year groups)
Individual and collaborative projects
Regular opportunities for self and peer evaluation
Teachers plan lessons for their class using our progression of knowledge and skills documents.
Children are introduced to a range of artists and art movements.
Development of different techniques which are revisited throughout a child's time at Basildon.
Additional or adapted resources to support SEN
What Art at Basildon looks like outside lessons
Annual Arts Week and exhibition
Work displayed in classrooms and around the school
Work from home celebrated and shared in school
Trips (e.g Year 5 & 6 visit to Tate Modern)
Visits/workshops from parents and members of local community
Links with other local schools
Cross curricular links
Afterschool art club
Additional opportunities for gifted and talented pupils to explore their potential (collaborative art projects, outside art competitions)
SEND/ disadvantaged children
Modify lesson plans to remove barriers so all pupils meet the same objectives
Provide children with a range of opportunities to show their understanding
Dual coding of key vocabulary
Verbal feedback- the majority of feedback is in conversation with the pupil at the time of learning.
Regular opportunities for self and peer evaluation.