School Lunches
Our school lunch contractor is Dolce who use the SchoolGrid system for online ordering. All account information and payment plans are made directly with Dolce further to your receiving an invitation email via our Admin Team.
Parents are able to order lunches online in advance up to 8.30 am on the day and we encourage children to pre-order their meals at home, before arriving at school, as this prevents learning time being lost in the mornings and prevents situations where there are insufficient funds on an account. Meals can be ordered up to three weeks in advance.
All children in EYFS and Key Stage One are entitled to a free school lunch. These are ordered in the same way described above.
Free School Meals
Some families on low income may be entitled to free school meals for their children. If you think you may be in this category, please contact our Admin Team who can support you in exploring this. If your child is entitled to this, additional funding is also available to support their learning and enrichment opportunities. It is important therefore, that if eligible and your child is in EYFS and Key Stage One, the school record this.
Children in EYFS and Key Stage One are offered fruit at break time as a healthy snack option. You are welcome to send a snack in for your child but we would ask that these are healthier choices rather than confectionery or crisps.
In the interests of all in our community who are allergic to nuts, we are a nut free school. We respectfully ask that you ensure any snacks or packed lunches are nut free; this includes items that may contain nuts.
Water Bottles
Please send your child in with a water bottle every day. We actively encourage all children to drink water regularly throughout the day. Children should not have fruit juice or squash in their bottle.